There are two different endpoints from which a client can choose to integrate their workflow to upload PDF based on their use case:
- Upload PDF to Book
- Upload Mixed Document PDF to Book
These two endpoints can process a file size up to 200MB.
If you integrate with the "Upload PDF to Book'' endpoint, you must identify which form you are uploading, unless it is a Bank Statement. In the absence of a specified form type at the time of upload, Ocrolus processes the document as a Bank Statement.
Additionally, you must pass Two Body Params ("pk" and "upload") through the Upload PDF to Book End Point: [POST]
- PK (Primary Key) - Identify the book’s PK which can be obtained once you create a Book. This helps Ocrolus post the document attached to the corresponding Book.
- Upload - Attach the PDF you want Ocrolus to process.
You will be required to pass an additional Body Param ("form_type") if you are uploading a document other than a Bank Statement.
- Form_type - Specify what type of form you will be uploading outside of Bank Statements.
Upload Mixed Document PDF to Book
If you integrate with the "Upload Mixed Document PDF to Book" endpoint, you are not required to specify which form you are uploading. Upon uploading, Ocrolus classifies the individual forms within the uploaded file and sends them off to the next step in the process for data capture. Typically, a client would choose this option if their use case requires them to support additional documents outside of Bank Statements, and they are unable to provide the form type of the additional forms/documents.
The PDF you upload can contain one or multiple different forms, and Ocrolus will classify/identify all the different documents in that one PDF.
Example: If a PDF contains four forms, such as a Tax 941, Bank Statement, W2, and Paystub, Ocrolus will classify all four of these forms in that one PDF.
You are required to pass two Body Params ("pk" and "file") through the Upload Mixed Document PDF to Book End Point: [POST]
- PK (Primary Key) - This refers to the book’s PK and can be obtained once you create a Book. This helps Ocrolus post the document attached to the corresponding Book.
- File - Attach the PDF you want Ocrolus to process.
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