Once your book is in “Verification Complete” status, you can click on the loan to view the transactions page of ‘Financial Analysis'. The transactions page provides information on all the transactions captured from the bank statements in a book. We display the transactions in a tabular format
Account: The bank account that the transaction belongs to
Date: The date of the transaction
Description: The description of the transactions
Debit/Credit: The amount of transactions
Explanation: The user entered notes in the Explanation section of the transaction (see below)
Tags: Only "Transfer" and "Recurring" will be tagged by default
Comment (Feature Flagged): The user entered notes in the Comment section of the transaction (see below)
Any column can be sorted by clicking the arrows next to the column title:
Filters can be applied to the amount of the transaction, the Date of the transaction or by keyword by using the “Search” box:
Transfers can be isolated by clicking on the “Transfers” button:
Any of these filters can be reset by clicking on the “Reset” button:
Users have the ability the view a snapshot of the location of the transactions on the file that they uploaded by clicking on the transaction detail line:
To exclude a deposit from the income calculation, first view all Included deposits by clicking “Included” then the check mark the deposit and click “Move to Excluded”.
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